Romancing the Stone

This story was originally published in the March 2019 issue of Wonderful West Virginia. In early February 1839, subscribers of the Cincinnati Chronicle opened their newspapers to find a 4,000-word article about some strange happenings in Moundsville, Virginia. Two archaeologists were in the process of…

A Ruffed Way to Go

This story was originally published in the January 2018 issue of Wonderful West Virginia. Perhaps you’ve heard it—you’re walking through the woods, when a bass note suddenly breaks through the forest chatter. Whoop. The sound might not register at first but, in an instant, it…

A Creek Runs Through It

This story was originally published in the September 2016 issue of Wonderful West Virginia magazine. The fish weren’t biting when Rick Burgess and his twin brothers Denny and Danny arrived at Spruce Knob Lake for a weekend camping trip in 1976, so Denny suggested they…

How West Virginia’s decade of bad luck steeled it to fight Covid

This story was originally published by The Guardian on February 10, 2021. It’s usually bad when West Virginia makes headlines. The state has a long, sad history of severe poverty, bad health outcomes, political corruption and disasters both natural and manmade. But by mid-January, some…

Patrick Morrisey and the Five Bears — a story in five parts

“Morrisey and the three bears: There’s a story behind popular figures guarding attorney general’s office” This story originally appeared in the November 29, 2012 edition of the Charleston Daily Mail. Heads are bound to roll when Patrick Morrisey becomes West Virginia’s attorney general in January, but…


This column originally appeared in the May 16, 2014 edition of the Charleston Daily Mail. We all know those people who seem to have it all together. They’re never late for work. They always have time to go to the gym. They make shopping lists…