The Real Picker

This story originally appeared in the March/April 2017 issue of Morgantown Magazine. A strange-looking visitor stopped by Jake Hutchinson’s Pickers Paradise shortly after the Fairmont guitar and antiques store opened in 2011. “He had that big beard split in two, one (half) was going to…

Stay Cozy

This story originally appeared in the Charleston Daily Mail on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Blink, and you might miss Kin Ship Goods’ new headquarters on Lee Street. The company recently relocated from Louisville, Ky., to a tiny two-story building sandwiched between the former Stone &…

Casts of Character

This story originally appeared in the Summer 2016 issue of WV Living magazine.   The Native American hunter, all bulging muscle and sinew, lies close to his horse’s neck as the beast reaches full gallop. He clutches a flint-tipped spear in his right hand. With his left…